iDelegate Visuals

Presentation & Access

Customisable to match your organisation's visualsStandalone access or single sign-on (SSO) through your corporate directory
Policies and delegations can be in local languagesDefault interface in English (translations possible)


Easily create and edit policies in visual editorExport policies in PDF format
Include financial and non-financial categories and authorities in your policies


Easily create and edit authorities in visual editorAttach hard limits to authorities in a currency or as a percentage
Designate authorities as 'responsible' if neededAttach global observations and/or RACI notes to any authority
Enable users to see who has what authority with which limitMark authorities as delegatable or reserved


Easily create first root delegation from any policyUsers can cascade their delegations up to delegated limit to their direct reports
Each individual delegation can be adjusted in real timeGrant, suspend or withdraw any delegation at any moment
Record user acceptance of their delegationsEnable users to temporarily reassign their delegations
Issue delegations in any currencyLimit further delegation of specific authorities to intended recipient only
Attach specific observations and/or RACI notes to any authority within any delegationExport delegations in PDF format
Hide specific delegations from view by system usersCreate role-specific template delegations for bulk assignment
Delegators and delegates can add optional comments when granting and/or accepting delegations Users can only cascade delegations which they themselves have accepted


Delegates receive delegations from their superiors and delegate to their direct reports Delegates only see their own delegations and those they are able to delegate
Delegates only delegate authorities which they themselves possess up to their delegated limitAuditors are able to review any delegation in the system but not change it
Create Committees which are able to delegate to individual usersEnable admin assistants to help out with delegations for other users


Notify users on delegation granting, suspending and withdrawalAlert delegates and delegators 30 days prior to delegation expiry
Remind users to accept delegation 7 days after its issueCustom notifications possible

Reports & Metrics

Easily review global user, authority, delegation stats in the admin and auditor dashboardsEasily review individual delegations received, granted and accepted (including team members) in the delegate dashboard
Export full delegated authority matrix in Excel formatCustom reports possible