Auditor Guide

This page explains main features of the iDelegate app for Auditors.

To remind, Auditor is a role that can select and review delegations and delegation trail of pretty much anyone in the system, without being able to change any of the data.
For more explanations on user roles please see How many actors are there in the iDelegate app?

This guide has a high degree of overlap with Delegate / Delegator guide. Just skip the overlapping sections.


1. Connecting to iDelegate
2. Navigation within iDelegate
3. Auditor dashboard
4. View Policies, Categories, Authorities
5. View delegation trail
6. View all iDelegate users
7. Change your password and profile
8. Search iDelegate

Connecting to iDelegate

You will receive an email from your iDelegate administrator informing you how to access the platform.

Note: You are strongly advised to change your password as soon as possible in the Profile section of the app.

Left side bar allows you to access all areas of the application. If you get lost, clicking on the top left logo will take you back to the dashboard.

In addition, navigation bar at the top can help you search within iDelegate [# Search iDelegate]. Clicking your name on the top right will log you out of the iDelegate platform.

iDelegate | iDelegate navigation top bar
iDelegate navigation top bar

Auditor dashboard

The Auditor dashboard displays key metrics about iDelegate use in your organisation and allows access to other areas of the app.

iDelegate | Administrator / Auditor Dashboard
Administrator / Auditor Dashboard

3.1 Metrics

You have access to several metrics relating to reach and acceptance of Delegations of Authority in your organisation (note that these can be customised for your organisation but the principle will likely remain the same):

  • Authorities in iDelegate shows at a glance how many authorities there are in the system.
  • Authorities by Status shows percentage distribution of “reserved” and “delegated” authorities.
  • Users in iDelegate displays how many users there are in iDelegate.
  • Users by Role highlights percentage distribution of user roles in the system. See How many actors are there in the iDelegate app? for more explanations on user roles in iDelegate.
  • Delegations in iDelegate displays how many delegations have been entered in iDelegate. Note that this number will include delegations in ‘draft mode’ (i.e. neither granted nor suspended). See Assigning a Delegation of Authority subsection of the Delegate / Delegator guide for additional explanations of what this means.
  • Delegations by Acceptance shows how many of granted authorities have been accepted. This needs to be as close to 100% as possible. Delegation acceptance is a critical measure of accountability.

Some metrics can display trend data over time. Use dropdowns to select a time range you wish to view.

iDelegate | Select time range to see trend data
Select time range to see trend data

View Policies, Categories, Authorities

You can easily view organisational policies by clicking on Policies on the dashboard panel or in the side bar. Either action will take you to the list view of all policies available in the iDelegate system.

4.1 Policy list

iDelegate | List of policies
List of policies

From here you can consult details of any specific policy or download it as a pdf file. To download the policy as pdf, click on Actions and select Download PDF. iDelegate will generate a pdf file for you to save locally. Note that because pdf files are generated on the fly, they may take some seconds to do so. Please be patient.

iDelegate | PDF download of organisational policies
PDF download of organisational policies

To see the policy online, click on the view icon just to the right of the Actions button.

4.2 Policy details

iDelegate | Policy details with Version metadata
Policy details with Version metadata

Policy details screen (also called Protocols on some installations) displays selected policy content complete with Good Governance metadata for that policy. At minimum, displayed metadata covers policy version, oversight and timestamp information.

iDelegate | Policy oversight metadata
Policy oversight metadata
iDelegate | Policy timestamp metadata
Policy timestamp metadata

Scroll up and down to read the policy in full. Use Select Action dropdown menu on the top right to see what actions are available to you, such as downloading the policy pdf file from this screen.

4.3 Policy categories

You can see a list of all categories by associated policy (or protocol) by clicking Categories in the left side bar.

iDelegate | List of categories
List of categories

Use the funnel icon above the category list to filter out only categories in the policy that interests you.

iDelegate | Categories filter
Categories filter

Clicking the view button on any category will display a detail view listing all individual authorities associated with that category.

4.4 Policy authorities

Ultimately, each policy will contain specific authorities. By clicking Authorities in the left sidebar you can jump straight to them. Each authority line features its category, description, maximum limit and whether the authority is “delegated” or “reserved”. If there are any remarks attached to any of the authorities, they too will be shown here.

Note that this screen displays authority information as has been delegated by the Board or other top power holder to the top operational leader, usually the CEO. This is not necessarily a personal Delegation of Authority. You will find all personal Delegations of Authority in the Delegations section of the iDelegate platform.

iDelegate | List of authorities
List of authorities

Use the funnel icon above the authority list to filter out authorities by category or by whether they are “delegated” or “reserved”.

iDelegate | Authorities filter
Authorities filter

View delegation trail

Auditors can see all Delegations of Authority with either granted or suspended status entered in iDelegate. Auditors will not see any delegations in ‘draft mode’.

iDelegate | Auditors can view all granted and suspended delegations
Auditors can view all granted and suspended delegations

From this screen you can view a delegation with its action trail, or export it as a pdf file.

5.1 View action trail

To see a trail for any delegation click on the View button.

iDelegate | View button
View button

You will be taken to the delegation detail screen where you can audit its content.

iDelegate | Delegation detail
Delegation detail

Scroll down to the very bottom of the page. You will see an additional Action panel which will give you date and time information of all actions carried out on this delegation, such as when it was granted, accepted or suspended.

iDelegate | Delegation action trail information
Delegation action trail information

5.2 Export delegation as a pdf file

You can export any delegation as a pdf file if you wish. Select Actions > Download PDF. iDelegate will generate a pdf file for you to save locally.

iDelegate | Download PDF
Download PDF

Note that because pdf files are generated on the fly, they may take a few seconds to do so. Please be patient.

View all iDelegate users

You can see all users in iDelegate with roles that are assigned to them by clicking Users on the left sidebar.

iDelegate | Auditors can view all iDelegate users
Auditors can view all iDelegate users

Change your password and profile

Every iDelegate user has an opportunity to change information contained in their profile such as name, surname, position etc. To do so, click Profile on the left sidebar.

iDelegate | User profile
User profile

You are encouraged to keep your iDelegate details up to date and change your password regularly. Doing so will help other users to find you easier and keep the system more secure.

Search iDelegate

There are two ways to search in iDelegate – global and item-specific.

8.1 Global search

iDelegate’s global search box is located to the left of the top navigation bar. Global search will trawl all iDelegate database for the terms you research.

iDelegate | Global search
Global search

In the example above, global search for ‘investment’ returned not only authorities containing this term, but also categories, policies and even individual delegations that the person searching was scoped to see.

8.2 Item-specific search

As the name suggests, item specific search is only limited to the resource you are currently viewing. iDelegate’s item-specific search box is located on the main screen, usually just below the title of the currently viewed resource.

iDelegate | Search specific items only
Search specific items only

In the example above, authority-specific search for ‘investment’ narrowed selection of authorities to just those dealing with investment issues.